What’s a Deep Dental Cleaning and Why Would I Need One?

Family Dentist

Periodontal disease is extremely common. Up to 42% of Americans suffer from this gum disease and it is a primary reason for tooth loss.  Gum disease is reversible, especially if treated early on. At Trident Dental, we evaluate your gum’s health and, when necessary, recommend a deep dental cleaning to halt its progress and restore […]

What is Dry Mouth and Why is it a Problem?

Family Dentist

You wake one morning and lunge for a glass of water to soothe your parched mouth and the problem resolves itself quickly. If, however, this describes the state of your mouth more often than not, you’ve likely got xerostomia, the medical term for chronic dry mouth.  The team at Trident Dental in Houston, Texas, understands […]

Lower Your Risk for Gingivitis

Family Dentist

Nearly half of all Americans have gingivitis (gum disease), even though it is preventable. Gingivitis can cause swelling, redness, irritation, and deep pockets that form between your gums and your teeth. Untreated, this early stage of gum disease can progress to periodontitis. Periodontitis can lead to tooth loss and is also a risk factor for […]

Why Early Treatment of Gum Disease Can Make All the Difference

Family Dentist

Gum disease is very common. In fact, about 46% of adults show signs of the condition. However, just because it’s common doesn’t mean it can’t have a big impact. While you may know that this inflammatory disease affects your oral health, if it’s allowed to progress, it can affect your overall health, too. The providers at Trident Dental in Houston are experts […]